Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Hello, and Welcome to Taiwan Radio!"  That is what my normally silent computer screamed at me this morning when I turned it on. So, I am typing my very first post of this blog from my laptop, as my "home" computer has picked up some kind of bizarre virus.  Bear with me. That machine in the lower level of my house has been a mystery and a misery to me since the day I bought it.

I am not a computer whiz.  I am a teacher and a writer and a lover of fine things and fine men.  (See that, dear hubby?)  I have spent years "making do" and getting along .............and that is what this blog is going to be about: How to Get Along on the Proverbial Shoestring, and/or Get By, By the Seat of Your Pants............because I have had so many friends who have learned something from me about this, I have decided to share the wealth and broadcast the how-to knowledge with whomever chooses to "learn."  That's you, apparently!

Let me tell you that I raised three kids, and they never went naked or hungry.  I've been married twice, owned four houses, four dogs, several cars, and have lots of wonderful friends, and the world's best husband: (all my friends would kill to have him............) I have taught language arts for the past eleven years, sold jewelry at in-home parties, worked at the mall, substituted, taught 4th grade, and done it all with a smile on my face.  And if you bought that last phrase, then I need to put some ads on this blog.

I am a fairly "normal" person.  No, I take that back. I know I am not "normal," never have been, never will be.  I think too much, do too much, talk too much, and according to my husband, (whom I shall call R, to save him from embarrassment,) I ask wayyyyyyy too many questions:  sometimes as many as three in a row without an answer for the first one.  No, I am NOT normal, which is why I am writing this blog. Who wants to read something written by "Normal?"  (I have read plenty written by "Abnormal," and I am not in love with most of that, either........I am sort of somewhere leaning towards normal, I guess. (In my dreams.)

I am exceptional.  (smile)  I am feeling my abundance, and I want to share it with the world.  I do things right. (smile)  I do my best, try my best, and even when it all doesn't turn out the way I want it to, I have given it my all.  It's called GUSTO. R calls it "passion." (God, I love that word when HE says it.)

So here's "post one".........and I promise that I will be writing about issues, ideas, fun, food, work, play, people, shopping, relationships, and all things that concern us at one time or another........(it may not concern YOU, but it concerns ME, and for that reason I feel the need to write about it.)  I will share what I know about EVERYTHING.  And I know a little bit about "everything," so get ready!

A friend told me that my writing reminds her of Owen Meany, a character in John Irving's fabulous book, A Prayer for Owen Meany, (which just happens to be one of my most favorite books,) because I write with LOTS of capital letters AND lots of parentheses.  I want my writing to READ the way I WROTE it..........so if it's in capitals, scream it in your head when you read it. If it's in parentheses,  say it softly, as an "aside," (that theatrical thing you learned about when you were forced to read Shakespeare back in high school...."aside,"........to the side.)  That way there is NO doubt (however small) about the meaning of what I am writing. (Incidentally, I love seeing a good Shakespearean play: Just so we understand each other.)

I suppose that the first readers of this new blog will be people to whom I am close enough to admit that I actually thought I have things worth telling the world.  Then I might branch out to the "public."  If you are "the public," HI!  (and if you're an old friend, just smile and think to yourself, "There she goes again," and try to keep on loving me, if you do. (and if you just tolerate me, just tolerate me some more, please.)

I am going on a two-day trip with my 31 year old daughter, M, tomorrow. (Consider it a fact-finding mission.) I will tell you about it when I get back........or not, depending on how it goes. 

Until then:  Today's calendar page from my Louise Hay tear-off-a-page-a-day calendar told me that "I am a powerful person because I choose to live in the present moment."   She's right.  I am living in the present moment.  The "powerful" part I am still working on!