Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Your Deepest Secrets Revealed ! or, "Do You Want to Know a Secret?"

I saw a news item on CNN titled " Did Cell Phones Unleash Our Inner Rudeness?"

  I DON'T THINK SO!  But for truly rude people it would be a great excuse.

I think there have ALWAYS been rude people amongst  us.........We just didn't think they were cool or fun to be around, and we were not forced to interact with them...........until now.

The cell phone has made everybody's business everybody's business, apparently!

 I don't really WANT to know about strangers' elimination schedules or  dental visit details, but lately the entire world is sharing that kind of information via the cell phone that might as well be surgically implanted onto their ears~ and while you might not even BE on the other end, YOU get to hear all about it!

 The first time I encountered a true cell phone publicity hound, I was attending a book sale at a library and a fool got on his cell phone. He roamed the library, talking loudly about his ex-wife and what she could do with herself. Details of the yelling match they'd had were re-yelled into his cell, so we all got the picture. We patrons stood open-mouthed in aisles of books, in horror, listening to intimate details of the screamer's private business. We pretended to be interested in old National Geographic Magazines! None of us had the nerve to tell him to take it outside.  I suppose we presumed he might be intuitive enough to hear our gasps, see our mouths opened in shock, and translate that to a big "Whoops!" but he did not.

I heard one woman betray her best friend's most private secret while she waited for a doctor appointment.  The entire waiting room was treated to this, by the way.  No one interrupted her or pointed to the door, but I wish someone had.  We heard the details, dirty as they were.  Some friend!

I love the signs at fast food places or banks that say, "Please finish your call before we wait on you." I bet those tellers and servers have heard more private conversations and verbal foreplay than they can stomach.

I've learned more about diseases, rashes, divorce and family dysfunction from complete strangers than I knew existed.  I heard sex-talk as I waited in line at the post office! I was party to a final break-up of complete strangers, as one yelled, and those nearby listened. I politely turned away. 

I remember when we didn't even mention distasteful issues. Colonoscopies were private! We didn't know what you ate or threw up, then.

My hubby won't even speak to me if I call him when he is standing in line at Home Depot.  "Later," is about the sum of his conversation then.  I make my cell calls outside of stores or in the car.  A personal talk should BE private! 

I would like to see a national defensive action by those of us who still have a sense of propriety:  Join me, so I don't feel alone in this, by stopping dead in your tracks during the next private conversation revealed.  Let's all stand stock still, mouths gaping, and give full attention to the speaker!  On Stage! Let the speaker be a star! Let's applaud if he hangs up! Or grab pens and tablets and take notes! We could croon "ahhhhhhhhhh," or "Oh no! or No way!" when the details get really juicy. Do you think that those subteties would get the point across?  Would he hang up, crawl away mortified and embarrassed? Probably not.

 I actually believe those people don't KNOW any better!

What I'd like to say to these people is simple: Please keep your private calls private!  Don't tell about Aunt Lulu's bowel obstruction in the grocery line.  Your daughter's broken engagement details should stay in the family.  Tell people off privately, so we don't hear your @##!!!* words!

We really DON'T WANT to hear it!!!

copyright@ K P Gillenwater